Hard Girls - Martina Cole

funny how im actually writing this while waiting for my turn at JPJ counter lol

phewww it had been two hectic months i could never ever finish my novels. Last I had Seventy Times Seven by errr dont remember and i tried to read Orphan Choir in my first two weeks of practicum but i didnt even make it more than 50 pages!! I was busy! And  now its a mid sem holiday for one week, I walked to my shelves and grabbed this novel with no minutes of hard options, with no hesitation, laid in bed and read them 600 pages of worth!

Kate Burrow, supposedly retired detective with Annie Carr tried to unearth the mysterious killer of Danielle Burrow, a Tom or prostitute settling down in flats owned by Peter Bates (good friend of his boyfriend, Patrick Kelly and also bussiness partner or wtv i dont understand those hellish terms). After Danielle, there are few more killed, also Toms and they were all conected or easy said as acquaintances.

The victims' faces were all mutilated, poured with acidic liquids and their genitals were harmed too bad. It seemed to them like a maniac punter (pros customers) who did those things. when they finally managed to discover the requents, they went to Lionel Dart who is also an abuser of his wife. (this guy is the station president, also a frequent) . but then, i forgot how the link was finally untangled that Kate found David  a friend to Alec (Miriam's husband). Miriam was associated with the polices department as social worker, who tended to soothe the victims' next of kins. Then, the history was unfolded, that the killer was Miriam as Alec (late Alec) was the one trading all the girls for prostitution. and Miriam was like a pious woman and she defied the job. She was mad. She killed all the girls.

Okay, lies between the lines, Patrik had  fight with Kate coz Kate just found that he had a share in the flat blablabl and Pat had a scandal with Eve, Danny's sis(Danny is also a partner in business) and in the middle of the reading, I could feel it was Miriam, since Kate said she just felt wrong when she tried to make a go

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