Nightfall - Stephen Leather

AHHHH another series of Jack Nightingale. Stephen Leather is sooooooo excellent. It feels so real like Jack Nightingale exists somewhere and I wanna be near him. (Not really, he's an avid smoker.)

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This is ridiculous. Nightfall is the first one released by Leather and I should've read this before Nightmare. Everybody knew that I'm not a follower of any fictions with sequels (Yes, I don't read Harry Potter but I watched them). I got them randomly from the book feast BigBadWolf. Since I've read them both, it feels tooooo compulsory for me to get all Nightingale's series for sake of .

Nightingale was a negotiator, involved with cops. He usually talked some suicidal men out there and they finally retrieved a good life, cancelling the suicide. But there was this one case, Sophie Underwood a nine-year-old girl jumped off the building and after so much interrogations, it was eventually revealed that her father, Simon Underwood had been raping her all this while. I wasn't really sure how but the cops (especially Chalmer who was not really into Nightingale and he would loveee to put all the blame on Nightingale) thought that Jack killed Simon. 

He was fired as a cop and opened a firm (???) , or a privat detective's company and there was Jenny hired as his assistant. The case began with a DVD when he watched the DVD of a man, sitting/standing/staying within a pentagram, killing himself with a shotgun. Before that, he claimed himself as Jack's biological father and saying sorry for selling Jack's soul to a devil. Jack did not believe this, thinking all of these craps as....craps...

He told Jenny, told his bestfriend Robbie Hoyle. and they all worked this puzzle out (albeit the so-called crappy stuff) they went to the mansion a really amazing mansion. Gosling Manor. (that biological father was named as Ainsley Gosling.) Nightingale was the sole heir of the properties. They went into the big house , finding all the furniture were sold except for a room with pentagram, mirrors, or library with books regarding Satanists. Robbie overlooked a mysterious mirror in the room, looking at himself being hit by a taxi. It was weird, cause that really happened eventually and Jack was bereaving upon the news hardly.

He went to find his uncle and aunt to dig up the stories behind the secretive adoption, finding the aunt was killed by her husband and that her husband killed himself. Jack kept hearing and seeing 'Jack You are going to hell' . He did not want to take these things seriosly but it was too distractive. With the help from Jenny who knew how to read Latin, she found a diary by Sebastian Mitchell that wrote everything related to the mysteries. Then, after struggles against everything, Jack made it to see Mitchell who never came out from his pentagram since he was scared of Proserpine. (the devil that Ainsley Gosling made promises whatever.)

Mitchell's house was discovered with the help from Terry (i forgot the name), he was ainsley's bodyguard.

After investigations per everything, with the help of everyone around, including characters I tiredly resisted to mention, Jack found a way to meet Proserpine and negotiated. He told Mitchell about the plan and making him think how crazy it sounded but Mitchell agreed somehow. Turned out, Jack took Mithcell as bait as Proserpine could not be killed (even if he used a gold dagger as taugtht by IDONTREMEMBERWHO) on Jack's 33rd birthday. Proserpine took Mitchell to hell (Well Mitchell deserved it, apparently dserving it much as he sent some bodyguard to break into Jenny's house in order to get the diary.)

OHH anddddd. they said if he had a pentagram tattoo on his body, that really meant he was in agreement to be sold to Proserpine. FIniding nothing, he decided to go to optometrist, and found a small pentagram symbol behind his eye ball. 


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